Ungrateful kids.

There’s nothing like an ungrateful child to put the icing on the cake of a shitty day.

Let alone a whole class load of them.

The end of term is fast approaching, and as much as I understand that the classrooms are stuffy and the holidays are just around the corner, and the students are tired (as are us teachers) – it would still be nice to feel appreciated. However this is something that I am quickly understanding is not the norm in the world of teaching.

As I was graced by my mixed KS3 tutor group today, I had nothing planned for our 30 minute session together so decided “fuck it” and thought I would let them do whatever they wanted.

Every other day, I do quizzes, sport, games, posters, competitions – and there are enormous moans and tantrums every day. So I took a leaf out of everyone else’s books, and let the kids take charge of the tutor group. And you know what? They fucking moaned.

“Miss, I don’t know what to do!”

“Miss, can we play music?”

“Miss, why are we playing this song?”

Jesus. Why are they not just grateful that they are getting their way? They are being allowed to (basically) piss about for half an hour in the middle of the day. I certainly wouldn’t complain.

To further my annoyance, when I told the class about Sport’s Day (next Monday – last day of term!) they all moaned, all asked what the point was, and did they really need to turn up to school?

IT’S A HALF DAY. Shut your mouths and accept that you are finishing school 2 and half days earlier than most schools in the area!!

To top this off, I then had two crazy characters from Year 7 decide to have a little scuff up in the corridor as they left. Something else to add to my list of things to chase up.

Sorry to rant, but I really am getting a bit hacked off at the way students are reacting to things at the moment, it makes me wonder why I bother trying to be nice.

7 thoughts on “Ungrateful kids.

  1. I laughed out loud at your expletive (we shouldn’t swear of course!)
    I remember in a previous school, I got a bit sick of following all the policy on having an objective up and trying to teach them ( it was in special measures) when some staff seemed to get away with not following protocols and had an easier time for it. Now this is not quite what you’re saying I know but I feel the frustration. Occasionally I would take my life in my hands (management wise) and think, sod it, what would happen if I didnt actually speak to the class as a whole and try and get them to do some actual work. Result … ( unsustainable of course) there wouldn’t be much misbehaviour…they would sit there and chat their way through the lesson like they did anyway with the added bonus that management would be happy because it was a lesson with less or no confrontations. Nothing to deal with so must have been a good lesson. I do realise that this is all those coloured glasses but you do wonder what is the point. Finally some of my best form periods in my present school have been those which I don’t plan. Sorry to take this post off at a bit of tangent.


  2. Stop trying to be nice! Children mostly don’t know what’s good for them. They normally stop moaning pretty quickly when they realise they aren’t going to get anywhere…

    …which is not meant as harshly as it probably sounds. I agree, many children are just spoiled these days.

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  3. They are very ungrateful, but it’s ‘our’ fault. By that, I mean the older generations and the parents have indeed pandered to their wants. I think they actually feel better when they have rather strict boundaries with the occasional treat. If we do too much for them, it’s always not enough. At the end of this year, my pupils did a questionnaire in which they were invited (a stupid idea) to suggest ways of improving things next year. ‘Do more interesting and fun things’ was a comment from a few. We had just had a year of active learning, outdoor learning, trips, visitors, practicals, games, interactive computer-based learning, independent learning and good old-fashioned didactic, sit down, listen and get on with it. We couldn’t really have done much more, but they have short memories and they were asked the question, so they answered it.

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